How Spherex technologies assess your content's cultural fit for global audiences
Have you ever eaten something unique at a restaurant and wondered, and maybe even asked, what the chef did that made it so good?
Of course, you have.
Not surprisingly, if you asked, you learned that chefs rarely reveal their secrets. To them, it's better to whet your appetite and have you return to the restaurant rather than spill the beans. Movie tech is no different.
We've written before about how good Spherex greenlight™ is at preparing video titles or games for an international release. Since releasing it earlier this year, the industry's reaction to Spherexgreenlight™ has been remarkable. Their response has also provided insights into potential customers' questions about its underlying technology. Like a good chef, we'll share enough of the ingredients so you keep coming back.
First Ingredient: Find the spice
The effectiveness of any AI/ML product depends on the quality of the data upon which it is built. To create Spherexgreenlight™, Spherex mined thousands of policy manuals, historical literature, current affairs, and judiciary decisions on sensitive topics (LGBTQ, sexual violence, self-harm, blasphemy, etc.). This knowledge provided a deep, comprehensive library of data to facilitate curation accurately. Using that knowledge, we analyzed millions of titles for all relevant events, created a detailed, metadata-rich cultural database (what we call the Spherex Cultural Playbook), and used our combined knowledge to train the AI engine that powers Spherexgreenlight™.
Second Ingredient: A matter of degree
The intensity of events within titles occurs in a matter of degrees; how death is conveyed impacts how regulators or audiences respond to it. Is death the result of natural causes, an accident, or violence? Is it inferred to occur in the shadows or plain sight? Is it quick and painless, or drawn out and agonizing? Is it a one-off, or is it consistent? What about blood? Is there a little or a lot? If drugs are present, why are they being used, and how much? The degree to which these events occur significantly impacts age ratings.
Last Ingredient: The final cut
The critical component is the content itself, for it is the culmination of all the ingredients: the script, actors, locations, action, language, and music mixed and simmered together and delivered to the audience. Stories are not just a series of sentences. They are paragraphs made up of sentences that must be analyzed in full context. That is how regulators will view the content. The combination of millions of bits of this information provides the substance for an expert-in-the-loop title annotation.
Spherexgreenlight™ AI/ML analyzes the title and provides a second-by-second breakdown of events within it that regulators or audiences may find objectionable. It presents them as an easily viewable and clearly understood UI that informs directors and editors where issues may arise‚Äîall in seconds. To see how this works in real-time, watch this video.
Order's up: Delivering market intelligence
The successful preparation and distribution of your content drives monetization and largely determines whether you get to make another title. Knowing in advance how regulators or the audience will respond to different events in your title is tremendously important intelligence to have as you go from production to post-production to distribution.
If you're involved in film or TV production or distribution, you owe it to your content to discover how Spherexgreenlight™ can help you.
Spherex will be at American Film Market (AFM) November 1-6 in Santa Monica, and CTAM Think on November 3 at Convene in New York City, so if you are attending, please make a point to stop by and see it for yourself.